We caught the big yellow bus and headed for the Plimoth Plantation, the Mayflower II and Plymouth Rock. The Plantation features a replica of a 17th Century Wampanoag Village, a reproduction of the Plimouth Colony of 1627 (7 years after the Mayflower landed), a crafts center, and a visitor center where we all ate lunch.
The Mayflower II itself reenforced the notion that it took some significant sacrifice and some dogged determination for the early Separatists (whom we started calling Pilgrims) to brave the late fall/early winter Atlantic for that journey nearly 400 years ago.
Then tonight our "rookies" presented their annual skit, and we spent time honoring our 6 seniors on the trip, Justin Alexander, Jeremy Curtiss, Kevin Erb, Reid Gardner, McKinley Geiger, and Jeff Thomas. This is always an emotional time, because our seniors take huge leadership responsibilities for our Youth Community, and so many of their peers, and all of the adults are always grateful.
Clean up and worship tomorrow morning, one more trip on the big yellow bus to Logan airport mid afternoon, back at O'Hare about 7:30 PM, if we're lucky and the weather cooperates.
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