This morning our wake up seemed to come earlier than the rest, though it didn't. Our long days of service and late nights of community has made for some tired youth, and leaders. Today we made our way to some familiar sites and some not. The Atlanta Community Food Bank had a garden to be tended to. Picking produce and pulling weeds was easy knowing the needs of the community would be met by our labors. Best of all was the hot pepper eat off between Gus and Carl. We're not sure who was the winner, if there was one.
Another work site was Urban Renewal and the Georgia Ave. Community Ministry. They had a members food co-op that services many of elderly and financially challenged members of the community. In the afternoon we made a return visit to the Gateway Center to make sandwiches and sack lunches-over 350 meals that would be handed out that evening. Lastly, Books for Africa is the largest organization sending school books to African communities. We boxed books and organized the vast stocks of donations in the hot warehouse. The evening brought us back to our base where our wonderful DOOR staff treated to an authentic southern dinner. BBQ chicken, baked beans, green beans with potatoes, mac and cheese, braised cabbage, and tasty cornbread.
Tonight's speaker was Althea Holmes, a physically challenged woman with a great spirit. Her inspiration and determination gave us pause for thought. You can meet her at this youtube page.
We have had a wonderful week here in Atlanta getting to know the city and its people, meeting new friends, and learning that we all share so many things. We know that God loves us all unconditionally, that we should love others with that same Agape.
Sorting books |
A hot warehouse |
Althea Holmes |
Books for Africa warehouse |
Tending to the garden |
The food co-op |
Richie hands out waters at the co-op |
The food co-op with Miss Jackie |
Sandwich line |
Chow down southern style |
Food for the soul |
Hot morning in the garden |
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