Saturday, June 24, 2017

Friday, June 23, 2017 - All good things come to an end

Today was our last day down on the farm. Fitting that it rained all day. The weather did not dampen our spirits at all though. One more day of turning the soil in the garden to accept new life for the farm. One more day to tend to the animals that depend on the farmers. One more day to grow our friendship with the farmers and staff. One more day to offer our friendship, service and spirit to a wonderful place that cares for the people that benefit so much from it’s special style of healing and nurturing. We were fortunate to be a part of Hiram Farm if only for a week. We are now a part of a special family. We learned, we cried, we laughed, we shared...but most of all we loved. Agape to the max!

1 comment:

ashlawn said...

Thanks for sharing agape during the whole week, everyone!
Dan Jares