Monday, June 19, 2017

Sunday, June 18, 2017

We gathered our community in the church parking lot this morning. The gear was packed and last good byes from our supportive parents and family and we were on the road. As we head east towards northeast Ohio and the little town of Hiram everyone is always excited for the Mission Trip.

What will we be doing? What do the work groups look like? Where will we be staying? All the common questions and more that can only be answered with time. Veterans and rookies alike, eager to share God’s love, the Agape that we talk so much about. 

Dinner was a tasty meal at "Slim and Jumbos" in Garrettville, Ohio where Richie showed us the finer points of billiards.

Our accommodations are the now empty dorm rooms of Hiram Collage. Sweet digs for a group that is used to sleeping a hard church floor.  Girls on one floor and guys on another, we settle in. Ready to call it a night but eager to start our week of community and hard work in the morning.

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