Friday, June 21, 2013

Acorns in the Big Apple Friday

Our last full day in NYC was pure play!  We began with a double decker bus ride around Manhattan.  Then we went in a few different directions to try to cram in just a bit more sight seeing.  We divided into four conquering groups with Central Park's "Strawberry Fields" as HQ and Chip as Presiding General: Shopping in SoHo, an attempt to visit Ground Zero and Nikoli Tesla's apartment in the New Yorker Hotel and a very successful ride into Queens to see "Five Corners", a several block long series of graffiti murals.

We met back in Central Park "HQ" and had one last NYC dinner together before Worship and Passing the Peace.  Tonight we really found closure and solace after an especially emotional week.  The hole left by Rob has been palpable but we've worked extra hard to make him proud, both through our service and Agape love that has been demonstrated at all levels as we soldier on to live in the way that he taught us to.

Most of all we have our faith,
A faith that offers community, guidance,
A shoulder to lean on, and Agape.
While we are still recovering, we stand together, 
Remembering and continuing on,
Unified as a community -
Remembering that we are loved!

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