Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Acorns in the Big Apple Wednesday

Day three brought us beautiful weather for our travels and work.  We are learning that so much good that touches the daily lives of the truly needy stems from grass roots efforts of motivated individuals and small groups.  We are collecting a sampling of examples of how different these grass roots efforts can look.  We have worked with a strong minded woman who is determined to teach the urban children in her neighborhood where a carrot comes from; we have met French nuns who have vowed always to serve and never be served.  We have also seen how changing neighborhoods create territorial feelings and animosities even though the needs of individuals as humans is the same.

We are tired and grateful for our experiences and ability to have these opportuinites to be able to affect, for a few minutes, someone's life; it is inspirational.

After debriefing at the YSOP Headquarters we did a 180 - Off to Times Square - the Mecca of conspicuous consumption!!  We had dinner at Ellen's Stardust Diner where the singing waitstaff crooned as they served.  Next we roamed (always chaperoned) up and down Broadway and witnessed the bright lights and colorful characters of one of New York's most famous scenes.

It is beginning to hit home for our Seniors that their time as Youth Community members is coming to a close.  After our last day with YSOP tomorrow, we will have dinner here at the Hostel and commence "Senior Night" where each of our wonderful young adults will be individually recognized and loved by the group.  This has become a most precious tradition and it is indeed, a bittersweet event.

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